How to Raise Awareness About the 97 Percent Sexual Assault Rate Among Women

Did you know that 97 percent of victims of sexual assault and harassment are women? Unfortunately, many of them do not report the incident. Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can spread awareness of sexual assault and harassment. One way is to join a social media club such as the SHAPE Club. The club’s main goal is to help prevent sexual harassment and assault. To learn more about the club, visit their Instagram page.

How to Raise Awareness About the 97 Percent Sexual Assault Rate Among Women
How to Raise Awareness About the 97 Percent Sexual Assault Rate Among Women

97 percent of sexual assault victims are female

In the United States, one out of six females will experience some form of sexual assault, and that number is growing. Since 2005, the number of reported sexual assaults has doubled, and experts predict that the number will continue to grow for another half-decade. Almost nine out of ten victims of sexual assault are women, and the perpetrators are mostly men.

The #NotAllMen movement is hurting the true victims of sexual harassment. The “Not All Men” defense arose after the #metoo movement, when men felt personally attacked when women shared stories of sexual harassment. These men prioritized their pride over the lives of women. However, a recent survey revealed that 97 percent of men do not harass women.

This figure is staggering. More than 19,000 men are sexually assaulted each year. The numbers are even more discouraging when you consider that women are far more likely to be victims of level 2 and level 3 sexual assaults. However, males are also highly likely to be sexually assaulted, as are young children.

97 percent of victims of sexual harassment are female

According to a recent study by the University of Washington, 97 percent of female victims of sexual harassment report having experienced some type of harassment. This figure seems high compared to the actual number of victims, but it is important to understand that not everyone reports their harassment. Most victims are unaware that they were harassed and do not seek help until it has escalated to sexual assault.

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality published a report on sexual harassment in public spaces shortly after the disappearance of 33-year-old Sarah Everard. Her death sparked outrage and inspired the organization to take action. The study also led to the arrest of the man who allegedly committed the crime, Wayne Couzens.

The study’s researchers also examined trends in sexual harassment over time. They employed behavioral-based instruments and used a probability sample to collect data. While these studies can’t investigate specific causes of change, they can look at trends in sexual harassment and its prevalence rates.

97 percent of victims don’t report sexual harassment

A new study has found that nine in every ten women age 18 to 24 have been sexually harassed or assaulted, and the majority of them do not report it. This figure might seem high to you, but women are often too ashamed to report sexual harassment or assault. This can be due to a number of different reasons, from culture to religion. In some cultures, women are told to be nice and ladylike. They also feel ashamed to report an attack to the police, making them less likely to report.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has a series of reports on sexual violence and assault. These reports are based on data from the 2016 Personal safety survey and the Recorded crime–Victims collection. The study also found that men who experienced sexual abuse as a child are five times more likely to be sexually harassed as adults, and that the most common perpetrator was an intimate partner. Furthermore, nearly eight out of every ten victims of sexual assault do not report the incident to the police.

In 2014, the TUC, UN Women UK and 30 other organisations released a report detailing how sexual harassment and sexual assault can affect women in the workplace. The report calls on the government to act on this issue and encourages people to sign a petition. Other organisations such as Plan International have a campaign called Crime Not Compliment to combat sexual harassment and assault. And UK Says No More is a national campaign to prevent sexual violence and domestic abuse.

Tik Tok trend helps raise awareness about sexual assault

The Tik Tok trend is a way to raise awareness about sexual assault, rape, and violence against women. Using a simple camera and a microphone, users can record short mobile videos about sexual assault, rape, and violence against women. As a result, these videos have received over 52 million views and thousands of comments and shares. These videos aim to give viewers the basic knowledge they need to protect women from sexual assault. In addition, they allow people to report any videos that may promote violence.

However, the trend is not without controversy. A group of men has been accused of creating a Tik Tok video that encourages sexual assault on April 24. Though millions of users reacted to the perceived threat, the website has not been able to verify the original video.

TikTok has also announced new tools and support resources for survivors of sexual assault. In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the company has partnered with the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN). These educational guides contain tips on how to identify sexual assault, and how to reach the National Sexual Assault Hotline. The platform is planning to add more of these tools in the coming months.