Unfortunately, being a phone sex operator is not all about easy money, connecting with sexy strangers and being paid to get off. While it’s true that the job has some perks you don’t want to ignore (like working from home, for example), it also requires certain skills and a lot of mental strength.

First of all, many phone sex companies don’t pay the performers a rate per hour or for each call, but with a fairly complex system based on how long they manage to keep the guys on the line on average.
This means that, to earn the great income the girl expects, she must have the ability to keep her dirty conversations longer and longer, which probably only comes with time and lots of practice.
Secondly, it implies that the performers can’t always hang up when things become awkward. If, after 30 seconds from the start of the call, the stranger starts talking about something that makes the phone sex operator uncomfortable, and she decides to hang out, she would have taken that call for only a handful of pennies.
Also, some companies simply don’t want the girls to hang up at all. They may reprimand them if they find out.
However, being a phone sex operator can definitely be very fun!
First of all, the girls get to work at home at their own pace. This is especially helpful for stay-at-home moms who can’t afford a nanny, and college students trying to balance study and work.
And some of the guys can be really fun to deal with. If the girl becomes popular with the users, she will eventually be able to create with her fans her own sex-positive community.
Talking in an intimate way with hundreds of men can give the performer a big insight into sex, relationships and fetishes.
If you’re fascinated by the world of phone sex, but becoming a performer isn’t for you, don’t worry: you can still join the fun on free phone sex numbers like ours, where the girls aren’t professional operators, but real women just like you. We’re waiting for you!