Once you call into a chat line and start to get familiar with how they work you may be wondering what all you can talk about and what you should wait a little longer to bring up.

There are no real taboo topics but some you may want to wait a little longer to bring up, maybe until you and your chat partner have decided to meet in person or have really gotten to know each other better than a first-time call.
Bringing up a marriage or offspring can be a bit off putting if you and your phone chat partner are new to talking to each other. Some people may be totally okay with it and that’s great!
Others may want to keep it a little more light-hearted before they dive into such deep and meaningful conversations. Gauge the waters but we suggest just waiting until both you and your partner have been chatting on the free or cheap phone chat lines for a while.
While talking about your exes can bring you some closure and will definitely make you feel better about the situations it may make your newer phone chat partners feel a little on the spot. They want to get to know you and how you work, even what you can offer them.
They may not want to hear all about your horrible ex and how your last relationship was. Wait until you get to know your partner better and you both feel comfortable chatting about your pasts.
Phone chatting is a lot of fun and there are so many local lines for you to try out, keep the topics light and simple at first. You want to have a fun and engaging time and so do the others on the phone chat!