Use Phone Sex To Survive Living Together

Before me and my girlfriend lived together, we couldn’t get enough of each other. She was spending the night at my place at least 5 nights a week, for sex and snuggles, you name it!

Use Phone Sex To Survive Living Together
Use Phone Sex To Survive Living Together

Well, because we were always together, we thought it would be so much more economical for us to split the rent on one place, right?! Of course, the option to have wild sex 7 days a week was the major selling point using a phone fuck line!

Well, it turns out that sometimes moving in with each other isn’t so hot. I mean, we split everything right down the middle. And it’s really awkward to try to get freaky when you just had a “long talk” about the new household budget.

It’s not like we’re married, or anything, but cohabitation just sucks the life out of a once sex-based relationship, am I right?

I don’t know, I just got tired of feeling like the other half of a paycheck. I became her roommate, instead of her lover. Sex slowly fizzled, then it just stopped. I have a healthy sex drive, and I needed an outlet for that.

So, I started calling into a cheap phone sex line. The first time, I was really nervous, but the sexiest voice I’d ever heard came on the line and the chemistry! It was like she could read my mind and tug out all my dirtiest fantasies!

I’m in a really weird situation with my supposed girlfriend, and not exactly in a position to break up or anything, so phone sex is the solution I found to keep me feeling sexy and alive – and I mean totally satisfied – to the point that I don’t even care if I’ve been reduced to a co-tenant in her eyes.

I’m getting all my fantasies and more taken care of, just by picking up my smartphone! That’s one of the few things she and I don’t share, so I’m free to phone and fuck all I want!